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Monday, April 13, 2009

A Stupid night....Kind to others means cruel to urself

Last night suppose to be just some supper & back home to sleep...but something happened after a phone call...Last night me,howard,william & serena had supper in "Hawker Stall" Restaurant...the food was reli reli nice....=) love them...when we are eating half way..."cxxxxxx" called howard...howard has a very weird expression after ans the phone..and he passed me the phone...he said his "dai lou"(some kinda gangster big brother) hope that he could have his own car...cuz stayin so far frm work...so his "dai lou" plan to sell him a hyundai xcel for AUD $2000...lolx...but the main thing is...he dun have australian license or a legal license to drive..although he knows how to drive...dunno why he insist to drive dat car...so last nite actually is his "dai lou" let him try to drive for 1 day for "FREE" see he like it or not loh...but ystrdy nite he scared got road block so he asked me if i could be the driver..since i am having supper near his work place, im thinking wateva lo...drive only mar...then he said he finish work at 1am++...means 1.30am...lol...by the time we finish supper is only 12.45...so me & howard thought 4 a while whether to leave him alone or stay to drive his car..so we decided dun be so bad & cruel broke our promise...lol...so we've stayed back & waited so we go "dah kei" until 2am only he said can leave lo...nvm wo...when i drive his car got weird sounds from the engine lo, then we go pump petrol 1st cuz no petrol d...then after petrol the car cannot start wo...waited a while later then can start liao...so i thought no problem gua...then continue go freeway wanted to go home jor...damn sleepy while waitin 4 him...go out freeway not yet 5 mins only, the engine smoking liao...=.='' we are stuck in the middle of the freeway...fuck man!!why am i so kind to help him drive his car home...lol..its reli reli tired d...summore howard more kesian gotta wake up 6 in the mornin leh...when his car broke down...the main thing he was worried is his car & his "dai lou" only...but guess wad??his so call "dai lou" does'nt fucking care wad happen to him...at dat moment he still dun understand who is his true frenz lor...me & howard felt so disappointed...we tried to help him as possible...so we called & called try to find a way to settle his car...lol..and we think dat we shud call ataxi home 1st...cuz me & howard so tired d...and sleepy loh...so he call us to leave 1st...but on our way home in the taxi we still continue help him...he kinda blame us for leavin him thr alone...but wad we can do???we help as much as possible d...at least we are the 1 beside him until 3am...lolx...wad abt his dai lou??did he come & save him??...i juz knew dat even william & serena was so worried dat something bad might happen...so they did not sleep the whole night...but they were wonderin why we din call them so they tot we r fine...but we tot they were asleep so din wake them up lo...at last reach home and shower liao is 4am...=.=''tired...zzz